Household Pulse Survey: Anxiety in Detroit Metro


The pandemic strains the mental health of our region's residents. Data from the Census Bureau's Houshold Pulse Survey suggest anxiety levels are elevated. The survey asks, "Over the last 7 days, how often have you been bothered by the following problems ... Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge?". During Phase 1, about 25 percent of respondents reported having symptoms of anxiety for more than half the days of the previous week.; during Phase 2, this figure settled in at around 20-25 percent of respondents. Analysis from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) suggest the prevalence of anxiety among the U.S. adult population was about 8 percent before the pandemic. While not a panacea, communities can help alleviate anxiety through having quality parks, public spaces, and services that allow people to safely social distance and connect with each other. The data show a weighted percentage of responses and represent the Detroit Metropolitan Statistical Area.