Wage & Salary Jobs by Industry

What is it and why does it matter?

This chart measures number of jobs paid through a wage or a salary, either part-time or full-time, based on workplace. These employees are counted through state unemployment insurance or federal unemployment compensation programs. Covered employees include those receiving pay on the 12th day of each month, including employees on paid sick leave, paid holiday, and paid vacation. This chart breaks down employment by industry sector. Changes in the number of jobs by industry indicate whether certain sectors are growing/shrinking and if our economy is becoming increasingly diversifed.

Latest Southeast Michigan trend:

Growth in 2023 varied amongst industry sectors. Private Education & Health Services had the largest numeric growth of 15,000 jobs, while Leisure and Hospitality had the largest percentage growth at 5%. At the same time, Administrative & Waste Services had the largest numeric decline of 5,000 jobs, while Management of Companies had the largest percentage decline at 5.2%. Critical export-oriented sectors like Manufacturing, Information & Financial Activities, and Professional & Technical Services saw little change. Most sectors are slowly crawling back to their 2019 levels. In fact, since 2019, only two sectors - Natural Resources, Mining, & Construction and Wholesale Trade, Transportation, & Utilities - surpassed their 2019 figure.


Some data are suppressed. Years with suppressed data show as "0". The sum of the suppressed data are rolled into the "Unclassified or Suppressed Employment" category.