Real per capita personal income is an approximate measure of the average compensation per person. Personal income includes: wages and salaries; employer contributions to pensions and insurance; proprietors' income; dividends, interest, and rent; and personal current transfer receipts (e.g., Medicare and Medicaid). This data is based on the county where a population lives, but since some data are collected by workplace (which may be in another county), there is a further adjustment to account for residence using commuting data from the Census Bureau. The income values are adjusted for inflation. Real per capita personal income growth supports a regional economy through additional money spent on consumer goods and services, which in turn supports local businesses and jobs.
Real per capita personal income increased in 2023 by $1,243, or 1.9%. Since 2019, real per capita personal income rose by $4,773 for a total growth rate of 7.7%, or 1.9% annually.
BEA Local Area Personal Income (LAPI).[Table code: CAINC4]