Gross Domestic Product (GDP) indicates how much a county’s economy is expanding or contracting by measuring the value of goods and services produced. It is measured in real (or inflation-adjusted) terms. Real GDP serves as the most comprehensive measure of economic growth. This chart is broken into select industry sectors for more detailed analysis. Real GDP serves as the most comprehensive measure of economic growth.
Real GDP growth over the last year was led by the Retail Trade sector gaining over $1.8 billion, or 10.7%. Since 2019, the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services sector has led the way in the region's economic output; for the sector has gained more than $6.5 billion, or 40% of the region's total output.
BEA Real GDP by County, Metro, and Other Areas.[Table code: CAGDP9]
Some data are suppressed. Years with suppressed data show as "0". The sum of the suppressed data are rolled into the "All Other Sectors" category.